It’s a New Year – and Media is Changing

Social media has become a business mainstay, and it is disrupting the entire process of promotion and outreach. In the new year, the landscape of marketing is expected to change faster than ever before.

With channels such as Facebook and Instagram becoming ever more crowded with ads, it will be the innovators who will stand out from the competition. These time-tested principles will help you adopt new ways of making your best impression in the new year.

It’s not a campaign – it’s a conversation

You may have excellent brand recognition, but the same old message is no longer guaranteed to produce results. Take an example from the recent shakeup in retail with massive store closings over the past few years. On the surface, it looks like shoppers are simply choosing the convenience of buying online over visiting brick and mortar stores. But there’s a bigger story here: customization and online promotion have created a low-friction way for consumers to get what they want. The entire process – discovery, selection, transaction – occurs within a few clicks right on your smartphone. Partnering with a good user experience designer will help create meaningful conversations and connect your audience with the products and services they need – and the ones you provide.

Branding is changing

A growing consensus among advertisers is that people no longer believe conventional ads. With services like Amazon and Google that can finely tune customized content, people no longer expect to be “sold” on a product – they expect it to just “appear” when they need it. That’s why every aspect your your online presence needs to be dialed in for SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Branding in this new environment means presenting great content, from product photography to your listings on Google Maps. This ensures that when your audience searches, your brand is right on top.

There’s no substitute for trust

Social media influencers are the tastemakers for millennials – and though the channels are different (think Instagram, not print) making the most of media partnerships hasn’t really changed. The key is shaping a genuine story with your product or service at the center, so that when their audience becomes your audience, you are unforgettable.

Make the most of your online presence

Working with a brand and user experience expert will help you shape your messaging to reach your best customers. What are your thoughts about using social media in the new year? Would love to read your comments below.